Ambiens S.r.l your ideal partner in environmental engineering



Project and Work site Director

Construction of Waste Treatment Center - Enna

Sole Authorizathion - Sicilian Region


Executive Plan

Construction of 2 plans each of 1 MW Trani

Executive Plan, Work site director and H&S Manager

Construction of 1 MW Plan - MInervino Murge (BA)


Regularisation procedure for a Stop Work Order for 1 MW plan - Casamassima (BA)

Project Management and Acceptance Test

13,2 MW Freeland plant - Montalto di Castro (VT)

4,2 MW Freeland plant - Sulmona (AQ)

1 MW Freeland Plant - Serre (SA);

2 MW Freeland Plants - Trani (BAT);

1 MW Freeland Plant -  Manfredonia (FG);

3 MWFreeland Plants -Troia (FG);

1 MW Freeland Plant - Corato (BAT)

600 kW Roof Plant - Sulmona (AQ);

12,3 MW Roof Plants - Fano (PU);

3 Mw Freeland Plants - Turi (BA);

1 MW Freeland Plant - Casamassima (BA);

1 MW Freeland Plant - Bitonto (BA)

1 MW Freeland Plant - Minervino Murge (BAT).

Land recovery

Executive Project, Work site director, H&S Manager

Recovery land after landslide - Enna



Scientific Paper

Sciuto, G., and B. Diekkrüger.2010. Influence of soil heterogeneity and spatial discretization on water balance modeling in a headwater forest catchment. Vadose Zone Journal, doi: 10.2136/vzj2009.0166Vol. 9 No. 4, p. 955-969



Scientific Paper

Sciuto, G

 Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A; Rossi, G. Probabilistic quality control od daily temperature data. International Journal of Climatology doi: 10.1002/joc.3506

Sciuto, G

Bonaccorso, B., Cancelliere, A., and Rossi, G. (2009) Quality control of daily rainfall data through neural networks, Journal of Hydrology, Vol 364, Issues 1-2, 15 January 2009, Pages 13-22


G. Rossi

G. Rossi, A. Cancelliere, G. Sciuto, B. Bonaccorso, “CONTROLLO DI QUALITÁ DEI DATI PLUVIOMETRICI E TERMOMETRICI GIORNALIERI ACQUISITI IN TELEMISURA”, XXX° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Roma 11-16 Settembre, 2006.


A. Melillo

Impianti Mico e Pico Idroelettrici: un applicazione al torrente dell'Elsa

Università di Catania, Tesi di Laurea Adriano Melillo